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VR Tour For Std. 9 Ch. 7. Diversity in Living Organisms

What's Included in Virtual tour of this chapter

The method of arranging the organisms into different groups on the basis of similar or dissimilar characters is called the Classification of living organisms. Organisms that have similar characteristics are placed together in a group. All plants are included in the kingdom Plantae.  Animals like frogs, lions, deer, etc. They are included in the animal kingdom. The birds, reptiles, insects, and human beings are also included in this kingdom. The concept of naming organisms was given by Carolus Linnaeus. Scientific names were standard names that were supposed to help people to identify an organism anywhere in the world.

Virtual tour 1 Biological Classification

Virtual tour 1: Biological Classification

Classification makes our understanding of organisms easier. It also helps us to know the evolutionary relationship between different organisms. We will discover that different scientists played different roles in classifying living organisms. The five-kingdom system of classification is given by R.H.Whittaker that includes five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. 

Virtual tour 2 The five kingdom classification

Virtual tour 2: The five kingdom classification

The living organisms are divided into five different kingdoms – Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and Monera. They are classified on the basis of their characteristics such as cell structure, mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction, and body organization.

Virtual tour 3 Classification of Plants

Virtual tour 3: Classification of Plants

In this virtual tour, we will learn about the kingdom Plantae. Plants are classified into five different divisions- Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm, and Angiosperm. They are classified on the basis of their characteristics such as stem, root, and leaves, presence of special tissues, presence of seeds.

Virtual tour 4 Classification of Animals

Virtual tour 4: Classification of Animals

The Kingdom Animalia is classified into Phylum Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Protochordata, Vertebrata. They are classified based on their body organization, symmetry, segmentation, presence or absence of notochord, and body cavity. 

Virtual tour 5 Classes of Vertebrates

Virtual tour 5: Classes of Vertebrates

Vertebrate refers to those organisms that exhibit a special character that is the presence of a vertebral column. Vertebrates have been grouped into five different classes which are Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia. They are classified based on their bilateral symmetry, presence of the notochord, dorsal nerve cord, paired gills, and coelom.

Virtual tour 6 Binomial nomenclature

Virtual tour 6: Binomial nomenclature

In this virtual tour, we will learn about the binomial nomenclature of living organisms. The name of the genus should be followed by a species name. When the scientific name is typed or printed, it should be written in italics or underlined separately when handwritten.

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