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VR Tour For Std. 9 Ch. 15. Improvement in Food Resources

What's Included in Virtual tour of this chapter

Food provides us with nutrients.  Nutrients are substances that provide energy for activity, growth, and all the functions of the body for keeping the immune system healthy. Most of the food we obtain is from agriculture and animal husbandry. Different cropping methods such as Mixed Cropping, Intercropping, and Crop Rotation. Different methods of irrigation are drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. We can provide nutrients to plants externally in the form of fertilizers and manure. Farmers commonly use pesticides to protect their crops. We will further learn about animal husbandry, cattle farming, poultry farming, culture fishery, and apiculture.

Virtual tour 1 Types of Cropping

Virtual tour 1: Types of Cropping

Different cropping methods such as Mixed Cropping, Intercropping, and Crop Rotation are used by farmers in order to increase crop yields. Mixed cropping is the way to grow two or more crops simultaneously on the same farm. When crops are planted in alternate rows in the same field, we call this technique inter-cropping. The growth of different crops on a piece of land in a pre-planned succession is known as crop rotation.

Virtual tour 2 Types of irrigation

Virtual tour 2: Types of irrigation

The supply of water to crops at specific intervals is known as Irrigation. The most commonly used method of irrigation is the drip method. Here the plastic pipes are laid in rows near the plants. In the sprinkler system, it mimics the phenomenon of rain. Water is carried by pipes to central locations on the farm. Sprinkler pipes are placed on the farm and water is being sprinkled across the fields.

Virtual tour 3 Fertilizers

Virtual tour 3: Fertilizers

As the human body requires food for growth and survival. Similarly, plants do need food with a variety of nutrients. They get these nutrients from the soil as well through fertilizers. Fertilizers are commercially produced plant nutrients. Fertilizers supply certain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Fertilizers are used to ensure good vegetative growth, giving rise to healthy plants.

Virtual tour 4 Crop Protection

Virtual tour 4: Crop Protection

Farmers commonly use pesticides to protect their crops. Pesticides, which are used to kill insects, are called insecticides. Pesticides, which are used to control fungal growth on crops, are called fungicides. Undesirable plants that grow naturally along with the crop are called weeds. And Pesticides, which are used to kill weeds that compete with crops are called weedicides.

Virtual tour 5 Storage of grains

Virtual tour 5: Storage of grains

Farmers are not aware of proper storage methods for the grains. Various biotic and abiotic factors act on stored grains and result in degradation, poor germinability, discoloration, etc. Preventive and control steps are taken before grains are stored like the environment of the storage room must be cleaned, well-ventilated and closed premises. Install ventilation orifices that allow air to circulate freely, but keep insects and rodents away, etc.

Virtual tour 6 Cattle Farming

Virtual tour 6: Cattle Farming

Animal husbandry is the science of breeding and caring for farm animals. It involves three distinct areas. The animal needs to be fed, breeding of animals is planned, and controlling the diseases that attack animals.  Cattle farming is done to fulfill the needs of dairy. Cattle-based farming includes cows, buffalo, goats, sheep, and camels, etc.

Virtual tour 7 Poultry Farming

Virtual tour 7: Poultry Farming

Poultry farming is animal husbandry in which domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese are raised to produce meat or eggs for food. The main purpose of poultry farming is to provide a huge amount of food resources for human beings. 

Virtual tour 8 Fishery

Virtual tour 8: Fishery

Fish is a source of animal protein for our food. Fish production includes the finned or true fishes as well as unfinned fishes such as shellfish, prawns, and mollusks. There are two ways of obtaining fish.  One is from natural resources, which is called capture fishing. The other way is by fish farming, which is called culture fishery. 

Virtual tour 9 Apiculture

Virtual tour 9: Apiculture

In this virtual tour, we will learn about bee farming, varieties of bees, honey production, scientific names of bees, honey production abilities of Italian Bees, and also their existence is ancient, their honey production capacity, and how much they produce honey in their lifetime. And beekeeping is called apiculture.

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