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VR Tour For Std. 6 Ch. 9: The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

What's Included in Virtual tour of this chapter

Organisms have the ability to adapt to their habitat in different ways. Plants and animals have different characteristics that allow them to live comfortably in their habitats.  Plants and Animals that live in the aquatic areas, develop many adaptive features that are necessary for their growth and survival. Plants in mountains have their smaller and needle-shaped leaves which help in preventing water loss whereas animals have thick skin and fur which protects them from cold and keeps them warm. We will understand how lions and deer adapt themselves to survive in grassland. In the final virtual tour, we will understand the characteristics of living and non-living creatures.

Virtual tour 1 Adaptations for desert habitat

Virtual tour 1: Adaptations for desert habitat

A habitat is a place where plants and animals live naturally. We will go on a virtual tour of a Desert and will learn about terrestrial habitat. We will understand how animals like camels can survive days without water in a desert. Also, we will explore how camels and rats can adapt to such harsh climates and also few plants which adapt to such hot climates comfortably.

Virtual tour 2 Adaptations for aquatic habitat

Virtual tour 2: Adaptations for aquatic habitat

70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. There are thousands of plants and animals that live in oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds. These animals and plants develop many adaptive features that are necessary for their growth and survival. We will dive into the water and understand how organisms live there.

Virtual tour 3 Adaptations for mountain habitat

Virtual tour 3: Adaptations for mountain habitat

How do plants and animals adapt to the mountains’ snowy and cold weather? Plants that live in the mountains have sloppy leaves and conical shape. While animals mostly have fur and a layer of fat under the skin which protects them from the cold.

Virtual tour 4 Adaptations for grassland habitat

Virtual tour 4: Adaptations for grassland habitat

We will explore how lions and deer adapt themselves in the grassland so as to protect themselves from predators. They have strong teeth, cunning eyes, and have the ability to stalk and ambush prey at a distance.

Virtual tour 5 Characteristics of living organisms

Virtual tour 5: Characteristics of living organisms

We will understand how living organisms get the energy to grow and reproduce. Animals reproduce their own kind. They move, reproduce, and have a definite life span. While non-living things neither grow nor move.

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