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VR Tour For Std. 10 Ch. 8. How do Organisms Reproduce?

What's Included in Virtual tour of this chapter

Binary Fission is a type of asexual reproduction in which the fully grown parent cell splits into two halves, producing two new daughter cells. Spirogyra is the algae that are the slimy green patches in ponds, or in other stagnant water bodies. They generally reproduce by the process of fragmentation in which they divide themselves into multiple parts. There are two types of regeneration, Morphallaxis, and Epimorphosis. Vegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction that occurs in its leaves, roots, and stems.

Virtual tour 1 Binary fission in Amoeba

Virtual tour 1: Binary fission in amoeba

Fission appears in the middle of the cytoplasm between two daughter amoeba are produced from a single parent cell. One of them has the original contract vacuole while the other develops a new one the entire process of binary fission is completed in less than half an hour but this time varies with temperature

Virtual tour 2 Fragmentation in spirogyra

Virtual tour 2: Fragmentation in spirogyra

A multicellular organism breaks up into various fragments and each fragment develops into a complete organism. An algae-like spirogyra breaks up into two or more fragments. These fragments grow into new individuals with enough water and nutrients.

Virtual tour 3 Regeneration in Hydra

Virtual tour 3: regeneration in Hydra

Regeneration is one of the processes in which if an organism is cut into several pieces, each part regrows to a new individual. Morphallaxis is a type of regeneration that has little growth and depends upon tissue repatterning. And, Epimorphosis is a type of regeneration that depends upon the growth of new and properly patterned structures. Hydra is the best example of regeneration. From where hydra is cut, new cells are regenerated and developed into completely independent individuals.

Virtual tour 4 Asexual reproduction in Hydra by budding

Virtual tour 4: Asexual reproduction in Hydra by budding

Budding is defined as an outgrowth from the body of the living organism. This outgrowth part detaches from the body and forms a new independent individual organism. In organisms like a hydra, a bud develops as an outgrowth due to repeated cell division at one specific site. These buds develop into tiny individuals and when fully mature, detached from the parent body, and become new independent individuals. This process is known as budding.

Virtual tour 5 Asexual reproduction by spore formation

Virtual tour 5: Asexual reproduction by spore formation

Spores are asexual reproductive bodies. Each spore is covered by a hard protective coat to withstand unfavorable conditions such as high temperature and low humidity. So they can survive for a long time. Under favorable conditions, a spore germinates and develops into a new individual.

Virtual tour 6 Vegetative propagation by buds or eyes

Virtual tour 6: Vegetative propagation by buds or eyes.

Have you noticed that during monsoons if potatoes are stored for a longer period of time, small buds grow on them? These buds are known as eyes and can be used to grow a new plant. In this virtual tour, we will understand about Vegetative propagation reproduction system in a potato. The potato has sprouted some buds on itself. When those sprouted buds are cut into small parts and buried into the soil, each part starts growing as an independent plant. 

Virtual tour 7 Vegetative propagation in Leaf

Virtual tour 7: Vegetative propagation in leaf

Do you know few plants can reproduce from their own leaves? In the Bryophyllum plant, leaves have small buds on their leaves. These buds grow into new plants. The new plants are exact copies of the parent plant, as they are produced from a single parent.

Virtual tour 9 Fertilization in human

Virtual tour 8: Fertilization in Human

We will learn about how fertilization takes place in humans. The sperm cells need to travel more and then one of them will fertilize the egg. If the sperm having an X chromosome fertilizes the ovum, the zygote develops into a female and if sperm cells having a Y chromosome fertilizes the ovum, the zygote develops into a male. Hence the sex of the baby depends on the chromosomes inherited from the father.

Virtual tour 10 Development of embryo in humans

Virtual tour 9: Development of embryo in Humans

After the formation of the zygote, it develops into an embryo. This process is called embryogenesis. After the initial stage of fertilization, the zygote divides repeatedly to give rise to an embryo. The embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus for further development. The stage of the embryo in which all the body parts are identifiable is called the fetus. It gets nutrition from the mother and eventually organs grow and the fetus develops into the baby. In other words, fertilization is followed by embryogenesis.

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